
eBook: Digital Transformation in Process Industries

A Journey Towards Autonomous Operations


In the process industries, we are in a world of accelerating change driven by market and technology conditions. It is causing radical disruptions in the business environment by changing industries, companies and society as a whole. The future will be decided by the ability to adapt and evolve.

Fortunately, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform organizations is upon us. It is called Digital Transformation. Rather than reacting to change or allowing themselves to be disrupted by it, forward-looking industry leaders are investing in digital transformation to achieve operational excellence and maximize ROI.

Register now to receive the latest industry information and trends. Moreover, you will get access to the premium content "Digital Transformation in Process Industries" eBook, a clear guide on your journey towards digital transformation and autonomous operations, and how to make digitalization work for you.

The eBook offers insights on:

  • What is Digital Transformation, and where to start your journey?
  • What are the main drivers of digital transformation in process industries?
  • How to define your strategy and investment priorities, from project planning to implementation and sustainable value delivery.
  • How to make your industrial automation smart.
  • … and much more.


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