
In this brochure you will learn about some of the key benefits of an on-site digital champion like integrating your operations and converting them into shared data sources to generate substantial cost savings throughout the lifespan of your facility. You’ll also learn how on-site digital champions can influence workflows, processes, and even company culture. In addition, you will learn that there are some added advantages like enhanced integration, increased stakeholder engagement, and digitally enabled workers that will confidently position you for success.


Karthick Gopalakrishnan

Digital Transformation Consultant

Bio: Karthik is a technical consultant for Yokogawa and a certified Smart Industry Readiness Index (S.I.R.I) assessor. He combines engineering experience, business acumen, and first-class customer service to make sure end-users advance on the spectrum of digital maturity. As a certified S.I.R.I assessor his experience spans projects, policies, and technology for clients in the digital transformation spaces and digital solutions tailored to meet customers' key business objectives.

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