

The next step towards autonomous plants


Yokogawa Automated Operating Procedures

Language: English

In the 1.5m society, the vulnerabilities of our supply chains and operations have been clearly highlighted, making solutions for reducing dependency on human interactions increasingly relevant. Partly hidden underneath this sudden development there remains the other continuing trend; that of aging workforces and diminishing operational experiences. Both drive the demand for automated processes with almost ‘driverless’ functioning.

The Yokogawa Modular Procedural Automation offering is the answer to just that. Additionally, it opens possibilities for reducing process variabilities and advancing to operational optima. But how do you achieve this most effectively? Submit the form on the right now to watch this Yokogawa webinar in which Advanced Solutions Consultant Sina Robbat shares his experiences.

  • Why choose automated operations?
  • What are the advantages and challenges of a transformation to automated operations?
  • What solutions can be deployed in practice to ensure this transformation?
  • How automated operations builds the foundation for autonomous plants?


Speaker Sina Robbat
Advanced Solutions Consultant

This year, Sina had over 13 years of experience working for Yokogawa as a consultant and running advanced solutions efficiency projects within the Oil & Gas and (Petro)chemical industry. Sina has been involved in many automation projects but also heavily involved in operator efficiency type of solutions to address the operational challenges. Associated with these topics, he is also working on IIOT type of solution to improve the operational efficiency and plant performance using the industry 4.0 possibilities.

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