Optical Spectrum Analysis at High Resolution

As a developer of optical network components, you demand ever greater precision and fast measurement speed from your Optical Spectrum Analyzers. With Yokogawa’s OSA portfolio, including the latest AQ6380 OSA, that is exactly what you get. Discover all about the outstanding features of the Yokogawa OSA portfolio and learn how it can be used to enhance R&D projects in this webinar.

The following topics are covered in this webinar:

  • Wavelength resolution
  • Close-in dynamic range
  • Stray light suppression
  • Wide wavelength range and variable resolution
  • Wavelength accuracy
  • Wavelength calibration
  • Gas purging mechanism
  • Single mode and free-space fiber input
  • New sensitivity settings
  • Backward compatible remote interface
  • Various built-in analysis functions
  • DUT-oriented test apps (APP)
  • Inherit proven design and operability

Demonstrations and measurements:

  1. DFB Laser for Straylight suppression (Chop On / Off)
  2. 10G modulated signal
  3. FP Laser measurement for simulation of WDM Analysis (OSNR)



Jörg Latzel

Sales Manager at Yokogawa Deutschland GmbH
Yokogawa Test&Measurement - Europe


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