
Are you looking to improve laboratory workflows, data management, and imaging analysis? This webinar covers the integration of a high-content imager into a modern laboratory automation system and workflows built to utilize it. This on-demand webinar describes the integration topology used in the High Throughput Bioscience Center at St. Jude and the technical challenges that emerged pertaining to data handling and analysis. The webinar addresses the variety of ways we have used our high-content imager in the context of a high throughput screening center, using examples of experiment workflows from recent users.

Key Topics:

  • Key considerations for integrating a high-content imager into a laboratory robot system
  • Methods for interfacing between robots and the imager
  • Important considerations for imaging data management and analysis
  • How the St. Jude High Throughput Bioscience Center supports the diverse imaging needs of its users



Duane Currier

Director of Laboratory Automation
High Throughput Bioscience and Compound Management Centers, divisions of the Chemical Biology and Therapeutics Department
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee

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